Gender Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

There's a girl on the beach. (15.1)

That's a complete thought to Sean, and a shocking one at that. Girls don't belong on the beach. The Scorpio Races isn't Baywatch—it's a man's world down there.

Quote #5

I couldn't even make it one day without being rescued. (16.9)

Puck does not want to be the princess in this story. Being rescued is not on her agenda. In fact, it's humiliating, because it's exactly what the guys think will happen to the weak little girl.

Quote #6

[Kate's] odds are 45-1. I wonder how much of that is because of her pony and how much is because of her gender. (30.33)

If we were betting, we'd bet that the horrible odds are mostly because of gender. The men seem to think that women don't know which end of a horse is the front.