Violence Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The mare crouches, shaking her dark quarry. She's ripping it, holding part down with a hoof. The sand pools blood. (8.13)

Not even puppies are safe from the bloodthirsty water horses. This quote isn't about a human casualty, but a dog that got a little too close to the horse's snapping jaws.

Quote #5

End of the first day, the endless first day. The beach has had its share of casualties. (9.3)

Some beaches shut down because of water pollution or the occasional shark attack. In Thisby, bloody bodies from water horse attacks are just the sign of another November.

Quote #6

"It's a war down there." (12.34)

Peg Gratton makes the Scorpio Races seem like the first few minutes of Saving Private Ryan—blood and body parts on the beach, and wondering "is this all worth it?"