The True Meaning of Smekday Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"No…" I said, "life isn't like TV. On TV, everything gets wrapped up quickly. On TV there are heroes who save the world from people like you." (2.226)

Wouldn't it be cool if life was how it is on television? Tip's got a point, though, because as much as J.Lo wants to waltz in and know everything just because he's watched I Love Lucy, real life doesn't come with a laugh track and a happy ending in less than thirty minutes.

Quote #2

Yes! A storage device! It holds up every word she say or think for long time. Then the Boov did call her back to remove this mole. Its information was to planted in all the Boov that was to live in Gratuity's area! Gratuitymom is very helpful! (2.237)

J.Lo isn't ashamed of what the Boov did to Tip's mom because he doesn't realize it would hurt Tip. He learns that even though something looks one way, it can look another from a different angle. To the Boov, what they do to Tip's mom is a totally normal thing. To humans, however, not so much—they don't love when their people are stolen.

Quote #3

When I found her, she was standing next to the Snow Queen's Castle, and it was all right, she still looked like Mom. But no; it was too late. She did look like Happy Mouse. She was Happy Mouse, standing in the dark, as tall as the castle. (2.384)

When Tip closes her eyes for a minute, she sees this picture in her mind. It's creepy, to be sure, but it also shows us show she's always thinking about how things appear and what's really underneath. For her mom, sometimes things are happier on the outside than they really are on the inside.