The True Meaning of Smekday Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #1

This story starts in June 2013, about six months after the alien Boov arrived. Which also makes it six months after the aliens completely took over, and about a week after they decided the entire human race would probably be happier if they all moved to some little out-of-the-way state where they could keep out of trouble. (1.38)

Wait a minute… Some aliens took over the human race? We know there had to be a fight. Storming the earth and conquering all humanity takes guts and a lot of man (or should we say alien) power. Or so we'd like to believe, anyway. It helps us sleep at night.

Quote #2

All this intergalactic vandalism eventually drew out all the armies of the world, and we fought back. I can't really say much about that. Nobody handed me a gun and sent me off to fight. (2.110)

Notice how Tip doesn't really know the details of the war between the Boov and humans? Perhaps that's because she's too young to fight, and no one filled her in on what's happening. Or maybe it's because the war was over before it began.

Quote #3

There were helicopters, aircraft carriers, and a thousand cold, deadly missiles peering out like monstrous eyes from their underground burrows. It might have looked impressive if not for the size of the Boov ships hanging just above the clouds like new moons. But then, in the end, it wasn't about whose guns were bigger. (2.111)

We're surprised to learn that there wasn't much of a war to speak of. Sure people protested when the Boov came storming in, but they didn't stand much of a chance. It turns out aliens have super-powered guns, too.