The True Meaning of Smekday Part 3 Summary

The True Meaning of Smekday, Attack of the Clones

  • Tip decides to take the chairperson's advice and keep writing—not for the time capsule, but just for herself. She doesn't plan on anyone ever seeing the rest of the story.
  • She and J.Lo leave Orlando as fast as they can, just in case any more Boov decide to come after them.
  • They're both a little rattled, and they've barely gotten any sleep, so Tip cracks a window to let some fresh air in.
  • Cue the lightning and thunder. Literally. The storms roll in, and soon things go from bad to worse, and before they know it, they're in the middle of a hurricane.
  • Tip pulls over to take a break, but they're at a scrapyard, and she worries junk will hit their car.
  • So much water is pouring down that they start floating; J.Lo says the Gorg bring horrible weather with them wherever they go.
  • Eventually, the water is so high that Tip thinks it looks like Venice—or the pictures she's seen of Venice, at least.
  • Pig gets really jittery and jumps out the window. Oh no…
  • Tip is devastated, but before she can even say anything, J.Lo jumps in after the cat… and before Tip knows it, he's back with the cat. Yay.
  • But then J.Lo jumps in again to go after the camera. Tip tries to tell J.Lo not to worry about it, but the Boov is already underwater.
  • Tip counts and is expecting J.Lo to resurface any minute, but he doesn't.
  • A couple minutes go by, and Tip starts getting worried. How can J.Lo possibly survive this?
  • She starts looking around J.Lo's toolbox for a rope or something to pull him out of the water with, but while she's looking, J.Lo gets back in the car and asks her what she's looking for. Phew. Tip was really worried.
  • Tip hugs J.Lo and then rolls up the window so he—and Pig—can't go swimming again.
  • As they float along, J.Lo and Tip tell each other stories, sharing stuff about humans and the Boov.
  • For example, J.Lo tells Tip how babies are made for the Boov. Step 1: A female lays an egg. Step 2: A boy or boyboy gives the egg attention. Step 3: Somebody collects the egg and raises it.
  • He's surprised that humans make their own babies and then take care of them. Boov don't have families.
  • At first Tip thinks this is sort of sad, but then J.Lo points out that not everyone in a family loves those people—sometimes, it's better not to have a family.
  • Hmm…this makes Tip think. After all, her mom raised her all alone, and her dad wasn't in the picture.
  • But do the Boov love? J.Lo thinks this is an odd question. Of course Boov love—they love everything.
  • It occurs to Tip that if you love everything, you don't really love anything, but she doesn't point this out.
  • They keep on talking and floating, you know, as if aliens weren't attacking at that very moment.
  • Next up, we get a little comic about the history of the Boovish race.
  • The God in Boovworld isn't a person or an animal; she's the sea, and she's everywhere, always reshaping the world.
  • Yet some Boov don't think the water is God. They live in the bottom of the sea and aren't so sure.
  • Over time, the Boov invent tools and eventually start coming out of the sea and onto the land.
  • They still communicate using water, though, in bubble form.
  • Then sports are created, schools are formed, and the Boov get jobs.
  • When the Boov start exploring more, they decide to send a koobish into space. It doesn't work at first, but eventually, they figure it out.
  • After that, they send a Boov into space, too. He collects a Frisbee from the moon, and the Boov decide to start exploring more planets—which leads to them landing on earth.
  • It's been two days in the car, and J.Lo and Tip are now teaching each other their languages.
  • Sure, Tip can't actually speak Boov with her human anatomy, but she can learn to understand it.
  • They keep making mistakes and teasing each other about the wrong bubble or word, and at some point, Tip brings up the story about Noah in the Bible.
  • Rain is pouring down outside, so it reminds her of how Noah was told to build a boat for his family and two of every kind of animal; the rest were wiped out by the flood. Bummer.
  • It dawns on Tip that the Bible story is really dark—it's about so many people dying. Why did she have ark animals on her wallpaper as a kid?
  • J.Lo chimes in that the Boov have a religious story that goes something like that, too. There's this girl who keeps animals in a big jar of water when there's no rain for a year.
  • What happens? They all die because she forgets to poke holes in the jar.
  • Yeah, that's a dark one, too.
  • As Tip thinks about this, she finally sees a rainbow, and remembers that's supposed to be a promise from God that he won't hurt the people again.
  • Then we get another comic, called "8 Things You Have Always Wanted to Know About the Gorg But Were Afraid to Ask the Gorg Because the Gorg Might Punch You in the Face."
  • That pretty much sums it up.
  • We learn that Gorgs are eight feet tall and weigh one kiloboov (whatever that is).
  • Every single member of the Gorg race is named Gorg, but the real name of the race is Nimrogs.
  • They smell like lilacs with cinnamon and rancid dog meat, none of them live in water, and they are all left-handed.
  • The Gorgs' hobbies include musical theater and punching, in case you didn't pick up on that.
  • Tip pulls the car over at a mart to get some supplies; they grab a couple of toothbrushes, snacks, and other necessities.
  • J.Lo wants to get a bunch more stuff, but Tip thinks it's stealing. If they're going to fight the Gorg and save the human race, they want to make sure the humans have something to come home to.
  • As they are driving through Texas, J.Lo tells Tip that the Gorg are shooting at the Boov. Lots of it is invisible of course, but the Gorg are definitely shooting.
  • But not just at the Boov. Now they're aiming at Tip and J.Lo. Eek.
  • They begin to panic, but then Tip suggests they clone more super fuel. The only problem? There's none left. That's when they really begin to panic.
  • Scared, they drive as fast as they can and dodge the bullets; J.Lo fills Tip in on the fact that the Gorg can clone themselves and their spaceships.
  • It seems like the world really is doomed.
  • How do they have teleclone machines in the first place? Didn't the Boov create those?
  • J.Lo explains that the Gorg were picking fights with anyone they could get their hands on. The Boov wanted to end these wars, so they offered a teleclone machine as a peace offering, the idea being that the Gorg would be able to clone food and resources and could stop killing off other races.
  • It backfired, though, and instead the Gorg just began cloning themselves so no one could stand a chance.
  • Even their spaceship is made of stretched out Gorg skin. Gross.
  • Tip thinks the world is about to end. The spaceship is getting closer and closer, and they pass a sign for Roswell that says the city is fifty miles away.
  • When Tip mentions that Roswell is where UFOs were spotted and now aliens are actually here, J.Lo doesn't get it.
  • She explains all this to J.Lo and they decide to head to Roswell to find the spaceship. Tip's not exactly sure there is a real spaceship there, but J.Lo insists.
  • Somehow, they get rid of the Gorg on their tail and start on their journey to Roswell.
  • While they go, J.Lo tells Tip about a snakewhale the Boov talk about and draws it for her. Tip's not sure if this is a myth or for real, but she stares at the drawing all the same.
  • Then Tip explains about Area 51, NASA, and UFOs. J.Lo's never heard of any of it before, but he's really interested, especially when Tip explains that NASA stands for something, just like J.Lo. Wait, what?
  • Yep, J.Lo is really Jennifer Lopez, but this is news to the Boov.
  • Their conversation comes to an abrupt halt when they hit a sign. Their car swerves, and Tip sees both a sign that says "Now entering Roswell" on it and a kid on a bike.
  • A couple of people come rushing over to the car, since they just hit a sign and are on the side of the road.
  • Tip tells J.Lo to put his helmet up and wrap a sheet around himself so nobody can tell he's a Boov. They'll say he's dressed up like a ghost because he's scared of the aliens, and is named Jay Jay, since J.Lo is too famous a name for a kid.
  • J.Lo doesn't like it, but does as he's told.
  • When the people come up to the car, they introduce themselves as Vicki and Kat. They ask the usual questions: Are you okay? Where are your parents? Where are you going?
  • Vicki says they should come back to her place and she can fix them some food. Tip realizes they don't have much of a choice, so they go along.
  • Back at Vicki's pad, J.Lo gets annoyed at the idea of wearing the ghost suit all the time; Tip points out it's their only option.
  • Meanwhile, Vicki makes dinner and chitchats with her baby daughter, Andromeda.
  • There's a steady stream of people flowing into Vicki's place asking this or that, talking about UFOs and aliens.
  • Tip and J.Lo learn that this is not the first time the Boov have visited—according to the people in Roswell, they made trips to earth back in 1947, 1963, and maybe 1985.
  • There's a bit of debate over whether that last one actually took place, though; Vicki says they can go to the museum to check out the evidence if they want.
  • J.Lo pulls Tip aside when Vicki is busy talking to others and tells her that there's no way he can fix the car the way it is. They need help—or another Boov scooter.
  • This bums Tip out. She wanted to take her car all the way to Arizona, plus she doesn't want to steal someone's car. Still, as long as they go back for Pig (who is hiding out in the car), it'll be okay.
  • At the museum, Tip and J.Lo catch up with some of Vicki's friends while looking around.
  • Most of the stuff there is just junk or fake, but they get to go up on the roof and look out of a telescope to see the Gorgs' spaceship.
  • It's still purple and big and gross. In fact, Tip doesn't even want to look.
  • Everyone encourages her to, and when she does, she notices that it has big bubbles on it. Inside, there's some white stuff that spurts out when it's hit by the Boov spaceship. It's almost like a pimple. Sick.
  • Tip hogs the telescope for a while, which bugs J.Lo—he wants to look, too, but doesn't get a chance.
  • When the boys who are there tell Tip that they're group name is BOOB, she asks if they're from Florida.
  • Nope, this BOOB stands for "Backyard telescope Ob… Observation of—" "Of Occupation by Boov!"
  • When Tip points out it should really be BTOOB, they say they'll stick with BOOB because it sounds better and all.
  • Boys, right?
  • When they get back to Vicki's place, they eat dinner and Tip realizes it's been a long time since she's had a hot meal, so she savors it. J.Lo on the other hand, is happy to fill up on bathroom soaps.
  • Vicki mentions they'll probably have to stick around for a while, which Tip doesn't like.
  • Vicki insists, though, saying they can't just let two kids drive around by themselves.
  • Trey tells them more about what happened when the Boov supposedly visited back in 1947. There's a spaceship they left behind that some guy named Shouting Bear keeps in his basement—he doesn't think it's worth their time, but of course J.Lo and Tip want to take a look.
  • Tip tells Vicki they're going to spend the night at the UFO museum, since other kids will be there; it's clear Vicki is a little disappointed since she was hoping they'd stay with her, but whatever.
  • They set out for their car, and J.Lo tries really hard to fix it, but no such luck. He does manage to get it working again, but it doesn't have brakes, so it's a gamble.
  • J.Lo warns Tip that they could explore in the car.
  • Wait a minute, isn't that the word J.Lo confused with explode before? This doesn't occur to Tip, so she jumps in.
  • As they drive along, Tip starts to smell burning, plus the car is not driving right. When she mentions it to J.Lo, he says that's the danger of exploring.
  • Um, okay… Tip thinks her Boov friend is suddenly a philosopher, but brushes it off.
  • They're trying to get closer to the Gorg spaceship so they can get a better look at what's going on, but when they do, they see some glowing gas inside the Boov ships, which J.Lo explains is the brains of the operation.
  • He also mentions how brave the Boov are for fighting the Gorg, even though they know they will lose.
  • They figure that without the teleclone booth, the Gorg won't have any power—after all, they are only so big and strong because they keep duplicating through the machine.
  • As they hunt for it, J.Lo tells Tip that if the Gorg won't win, they'll explore the teleclone into a million pieces.
  • Tip asks if he means explode, and he totally does… Which means that this whole time that he's been saying the car can explore, he's really meant explode. Oops. Tip freaks out, as you do when you find out you're in a ticking time bomb of a car.
  • After fighting about the importance of words for a bit, they decide that they must devote their energy to finding the teleclone now.
  • J.Lo suggest they turn back to try to find it, then he climbs out the window while Tip is driving; the Gorg see them and blast their car a little before they get away.
  • Luckily, neither of them get hurt, but the car does—and now it can't be driven any more.
  • Later on, J.Lo tells Tip they used to have loads of television channels, but then they had a purging because too many people were getting sucked in to the shows, not working, and watching more than one thing at once.
  • The Boov realized that with five million channels, television would eventually ruin them, so they got rid of it—J.Lo thinks earth should maybe take a cue.
  • They talk about this for a while, and then drift off to sleep, with Pig next to them.
  • The next day, Tip wakes up to a note from J.Lo that says "JLO(BiKi5OP." Her best guess is that he's headed back to Vicki's for more soap, so Tip makes her way there.
  • But when Tip gets there, J.Lo is nowhere to be found. She tells everyone to let Jay Jay (a.k.a. J.Lo) know to head to Vicki's if anyone sees him.
  • Tip makes her way out again to look for J.Lo, and runs in to a pack of Boov; though J.Lo isn't with them, Tip decides to talk to them anyway.
  • They tell her the Gorg love cats and are rounding up all the cats for themselves. Weird, since Gorg don't seem like the cuddly type.
  • Finally Tip spots J.Lo and asks why he ran off. Apparently Vicki tried to feed him noodles—ick—so he ventured off in search of cans and soap and such.
  • They decide to make their way over to the Chief's house to see the spaceship from when Boov landed on earth before.
  • After a long walk, they get to the Chief's house and are greeted by the sound of a Great Dane barking up a storm.
  • There's junk everywhere (because it's a junk yard) and the guy they call the Chief is wearing an old flight helmet.
  • As if that weren't kooky enough, when Tip goes downstairs to check out the spaceship, it's clearly fake—it's made of paper mâché and foil, and not very well done at that.
  • Tip distracts the Chief by acting all interested in it while J.Lo goes to search around the junkyard.
  • The spaceship might be fake, but the teleclone J.Lo finds in the backyard most definitely is not.
  • The Chief realizes what J.Lo's up to and says to back off—finders keepers, right? When the aliens landed, he found that, so it's rightfully his.
  • Tip wonders whether she should fess up that her little bro Jay Jay is actually a Boov and might be able to work the thing, but she's not sure if that confession will do more harm than good.
  • So instead she offers to buy the teleclone with their car—it has Boov parts, so maybe a junk collector like Chief would be interested.
  • Bingo. The guy's very interested. Just as they are about to strike up a deal, though, Vicki shows up, calling out for Tip and J.Lo.
  • She was worried about them so she came to check up on them. It's nice, but this bothers Tip—she doesn't need someone checking up on her.
  • All of a sudden, the Chief starts yelling and getting all annoyed at Vicki; she ushers the kids out of there and tells them never to go back—that guy's crazy.
  • J.Lo and Tip are a little confused. He was really nice until Vicki showed up. Besides, who is she to tell them what to do?
  • They go home with Vicki, get something to eat, and then sleep there. In the morning, she makes them bacon and eggs and jokes around with them.
  • Tip lets J.Lo in on his little run in with the Boov the day before.
  • J.Lo doesn't get why the Gorg would want the cats. Tip suggests they're eating them, but they're picky eaters, so this theory doesn't make sense.
  • They tell Vicki about their plan to check on their cat and then head over to the Chief's, and she says that's not such a good idea; also, she's taking them on a tour of Historic Roswell and the old courthouse. They're starting to get a little afraid of her tone, though, so they decide to rush out.
  • And Vicki follows them.
  • They tell her they'll just check on their cat, and then they'll come back and go out with her, but she flips out, saying they don't understand what's happening around them. The aliens are here, yo, and they can't just roam around by themselves—and they definitely can't drive.
  • That's when a Gorg messenger shows up. He announces that all cats must be surrendered, pronto—anyone with a cat will be killed, so give the cats over now.
  • The messenger asks each of them if they have a cat, and Tip and J.Lo answer no; eventually, Vicki says the same.
  • After the messenger leaves, Vicki tells them they better let their cat go, or else—they shouldn't try to fight stuff like this.
  • She leaves them, promising to check in on them later.
  • They get to Chief's place and he surprises them by showing up before they go inside; they ask him why he yelled at Vicki, and he says it's a habit.
  • He wants to get a good look at the car before he makes the trade, but while they're taking a peak inside, a Gorg shows up with a jetpack, asking where the teleclone is.
  • Everyone acts dumb, hoping the Gorg will go away, but no such luck—he goes after Tip, honing in on her.
  • Chief steps up and gets between them, so the Gorg punches him. Hard.
  • Chief is hurt, so Tip tries to heal the wound by asking for a sheet to stop the bleeding.
  • Tip thinks she's got to take Chief to get more help. He's bleeding way too much.
  • Meanwhile, the Gorg searches around the house and doesn't find anything, so he bolts.
  • Tip tells J.Lo that the Gorg had a cold—he sneezed. J.Lo says this is impossible, though, that they don't get sick.
  • They have more important things to worry about right now, though, like getting Chief some help. Tip takes him to Vicki's place, and the first thing Vicki asks is if he's been drinking. Indians tend to do that, she says. (Vicki, apparently, tends to be racist.)
  • And for the record, Vicki, he was being heroic.
  • Tip wants to know how the Gorg knew where to find Chief and what his name was, at which point Vicki suddenly gets all nervous and cagey, and everyone knows she must have turned the Chief in somehow.
  • Trey gets the Chief some ice and starts to nurse him back to health.
  • Tip goes outside and wants to go back to Chief's place for J.Lo.
  • One of Vicki's friends warns her that people are onto her—and some people think her little bro is really a Boov under a sheet (which we know he is).
  • After Tip picks up J.Lo, they see a car that looks kind of like a police car, only it's for an energy drink and is red; they decide to take it, since their car isn't working properly anymore.
  • They tow their car back to the Chief's place and start looking for stuff they can use to fix their car.
  • They decide to head over to exactly where the Chief saw the spaceship crash, in case there's any debris or anything over there.
  • They've got to climb up a water tower, but they keep moving—and then they hear a thud.
  • When they get to the top, they poke their heads inside the water tower and see koobish, just like the ones J.Lo told Tip about: four-legged creatures with curly hair and little feet.
  • J.Lo goes up to one and takes a bite out of its ear.
  • Tip is shocked, and asks J.Lo about it, but he says they don't feel pain except in the face. So you can totally snack on them.
  • Then it occurs to Tip: What if a spaceship really did crash here? How else would the koobish have gotten here?
  • And if the spaceship did crash, that means Chief does have something from it.
  • They race down to the paper mâché spaceship and rip it open—and sure enough, inside is a real piece of a spaceship.
  • While Tip was off playing with the paper mâché, J.Lo was fixing the car—the Chief got a head start on it for them. Yay.
  • They drive off together, and Tip decides J.Lo has to wear the ghost costume again in case anyone sees them.
  • Reluctantly, J.Lo agrees. They take turns driving until they get to Arizona.
  • They see a bunch of people in tents on the side of the road, but they keep driving, er, hovering along.
  • It's not long before a police officer stops them, because, well, they're hovering.
  • The cop takes J.Lo and Tip down to the police station, where people ask her all kinds of questions about where she's been and what she's been up to.
  • She asks them about her mom and also wants to know if anyone's seen the parents of the boys she met at Happy Mouse Kingdom.
  • They tell her they'll try to find her mom, but it'll take fourteen business days—since everyone has just relocated, things takes a while.
  • Tip isn't all that patient, though, so the next day she goes back to check on the progress… and the day after that… and the day after that… Well, you get the idea.
  • While they're waiting for news on her mom, Tip asks J.Lo all kinds of questions about the Gorg computers and brains—she really wants to figure out a way to beat them at their own game.
  • J.Lo explains how the Gorg works (in a comic), but even he's not sure how to defeat them.
  • They also catch a motivational speech by Captain Smek. Or, at least a speech. No one really wants to hear what this guy has to say, especially since he took over their planet; heck, they don't even want to hear his advice about the Gorg.
  • There's not enough food for everyone in Arizona, so the humans have been using the cloner to recreate milkshakes for everyone. Yum.
  • Surprisingly, they run into the Chief down in Arizona.
  • He fills them in on the spaceship crash and the stuff in his basement, and he tells them that the government claimed the spaceship crash was just a scientific balloon accident back in 1947, because that's what they thought it was.
  • When the spaceship came tumbling out of the sky, it knocked a balloon out along with it, so the debris was from a balloon.
  • Ever since, the Chief's been trying to figure out what really happened. He programmed the spaceship to fly once, but it only went up a few thousand feet and then crashed.
  • We also learn that Hollywood film stars are looking for a way to make a movie about the whole thing.
  • Tip learns about all the different areas of Arizona where people are staying.
  • Apparently people have developed little areas and formed governments and councils already. Everything is moving so fast.
  • One day, the Missing Persons Bureau cop comes up to Tip and tells her that they've found her mom.
  • She's outside of Tucson living in a casino, working with some leader named Daniel Landry who's like the governor over there now.
  • Tip and J.Lo hop in the car and start driving to Tucson. Tip's so excited she can barely contain herself—she hopes this is actually her mom.
  • When she gets there, Tip asks around for her mom and learns Lucy Tucci is leading a meeting in the tent.
  • What? That can't be her mom—her mom doesn't lead meetings. Still, though, she's got to check.
  • Tip makes her way over there, and sure enough, inside, she sees her mom.
  • Cue: hugs, laughter, and tears of joy. The two of them are so glad to be reunited.
  • Tip whispers to her mom to take J.Lo's hand and then she introduces him as her brother Jay Jay.
  • The three of them go back to where Tip's mom lives now, in a part of the casino.
  • And then Tip tells J.Lo to take the sheet off.
  • Tip's mom freaks out. What is she thinking bringing that—a Boov—into their new home? How could she?
  • Her mom gets super mad at her, but then she explains that J.Lo has actually been really helpful and gotten her out of a jam more than once.
  • Still, her mom doesn't like it, but she agrees to go along with it for a little while; J.Lo will have to leave soon, but he can stay tonight at least.
  • Tip seals the deal by producing Pig, her mom's cat. Her mom is excited to see Pig, but she's also worried since the Gorg came and collected all the cats already.
  • It seems like Tip's mom is up to speed with the alien invasion. It turns out that she sat in on a meeting with the Gorg and Daniel when they were negotiating who can have what. The Gorg will let them have Arizona, Nevada, and Utah, which is much more than the Boov were offering.
  • Something about this doesn't sound right to Tip, though, and J.Lo agrees.
  • They go to bed that night, Tip and her mom sleeping on one mattress, and J.Lo and Pig on the other.
  • The next day, Tip's mom goes off to a meeting, and makes Tip and J.Lo promise they won't go anywhere or open the door for anybody.
  • So they don't know what to do when Katherine Hoegaarden shows up, offering to show them around.
  • They know they met her the night before, and that she's Tip's mom's friend, but they're not sure if they should break their promise to her mom.
  • When Pig starts meowing, though, they don't have much of a choice—they don't want to be found out, so they open the door, slip out, and go along with Mrs. Hoegaarden.
  • She shows them around and tells them how much help Tip's mom has been. If anyone has a problem in town, they go to her to fix it. Wow—Tip's surprised.
  • Mrs. Hoegaarden has to go, and Tip says she knows the way back home, so she heads out. Just as Tip is saying they can't trust anyone, they run in to Daniel and Tip's mom.
  • Daniel says he's already heard a lot about her—how she drove here herself and was shot at by a Gorg—and he also tells her to not worry about the Gorgs. He's got it covered, so she should focus on reading; pretty soon, they'll have a school up and running.
  • Tip doesn’t think school will help much when the Gorgs come knocking, though.
  • They run on home, with Tip's mom saying she'll come home soon.
  • Once they get there, J.Lo and Tip talk about whether they should let Tip's mom in on the teleclone. They want to tell her of course, but she seems really close to Daniel, and he's all for the Gorgs.
  • Her mom gets home and scolds Tip for going out when she specifically said not to.
  • Tip explains what happened, but her mom still says she shouldn't go out alone—she's worried they'll get separated again, and she can't have that.
  • That's when J.Lo chimes in with a heartfelt thing about families. He never knew what family was before meeting Tip, and he doesn't want her to get separated from her family again.
  • Tip has been very brave, J.Lo says, and then Tip returns the favor.
  • Finally Tip's mom gets it: J.Lo has been a friend to her daughter, and helped her out. She tells J.Lo he can stay with them as long as he wants—her house is J.Lo's house. Aw.
  • A couple days later, Tip heads over to Daniel's office. Her mom gave her permission, of course, and J.Lo wants to come, but Tip thinks it would be safer if he didn't.
  • On her way over there, a Gorg stops Tip and asks her about her car. Didn't the Gorg try to destroy this car before?
  • Yep, but not to worry. The Gorg sneezes. Again.
  • He points out that she's a child, and says the Gorg used to have kids, too, but they don't anymore; then he tells her to be on her way.
  • When she gets to the hotel, she goes to Daniel's room and is greeted warmly.
  • He catches her admiring his books, and tells her that he's a speed-reader, with a certificate to prove it.
  • After a couple minutes of book club chat, Tip gets to the point and asks Daniel if he's heard of a resistance group against the Gorg.
  • He tries to be nice, but he sighs—she's got to trust her leaders and get over this "Gorgs are dangerous" business. He's negotiated a good deal with them.
  • That's when Tip points out that his deal gets them less than what they had before. Sure, it's more than what the Boov were offering, but it's still less than the entire country.
  • Daniel counters by saying that the Gorg have another surprise for them, which they are going to unveil during the Nothing to Worry About Festival.
  • This worries Tip. It's dangerous for everyone to gather in one place and trust the Gorg.
  • But Daniel doesn't listen. He insists he knows the Gorg better than anyone else. He's sat across from them at meetings and even sees a weakness in their plan. Eventually, they'll run out man-power (or should we say Gorg-power) and will have to go back to where they came from.
  • Tip knows that won't happen—you can't stretch yourself too thin when you can just clone more of yourself.
  • She turns to leave, accidentally walks in the broom closet, and then finds the front door.
  • Back at the casino, Tip tells J.Lo everything, including the part about running into a Gorg on the way there and it sneezing.
  • J.Lo insists this is impossible, though, again claiming there's no way they get sick.
  • Then Tip has an idea: What if the Gorgs got weaker after each cloning? J.Lo said himself that it's hard to clone complex molecules, so maybe something is happening to them after cloning.
  • When Tip's mom gets home, they ask her if the Gorg ever sneezed when she was in the meeting with them.
  • Nope, she replies. Then she lays on the Gorg praise.
  • It's clear Tip's mom is over the moon, but Tip and J.Lo still don't trust these guys.
  • Suddenly J.Lo notices some mark on Tip's hand. Uh… That's the mark of the one who will save the galaxy, J.Lo tells them.
  • It's actually just taco sauce, though.
  • Someone knocks at the door and everyone gets worried, until they see it's the Chief.
  • They introduce Tip's mom and tell her he saved them from a Gorg; she thanks him.
  • The Chief sticks around for dinner and then talks to Tip alone. It seems like this Daniel guy is really pro-Gorg. Doesn't that worry anyone?
  • Tip says it sure as heck worries her, and mentions her mom's own pro-Gorg status, too.
  • Chief warns her to be careful of Daniel.
  • The next morning, everyone finds out Excellent Day will be the next day—this way the Nothing to Worry About Festival can begin sooner.
  • Tip's mom thinks there's a mistake, and wants to talk to Daniel, but he's not taking visitors; she goes out to find him anyway.
  • The Boov are leaving sooner than expected, too. Tip's worried about what this means for J.Lo. Will he stay or will he go?
  • They talk about it, and Tip points out it might be hard for him with the Boov since they think he's a criminal—plus it will be weird for them to explain where he's gone suddenly—but if he wants to go, there's the door.
  • J.Lo wants to stay. He doesn't think he has a nice home with the other Boov; not as nice as with Tip at least.
  • It's decided then.
  • Tip's mom gets home from Daniel's office annoyed. She didn't get to see him, and she saw cloning machines for teleporting, so she's not so sure the Gorg are up to what they claim to be. Gee, ya think?
  • She tells Tip to go over to Mrs. Hoegaarden's place and ask for help. Her hubby was a police officer, so they know a bunch of trustworthy people.
  • Tip goes over there just as a Gorg shows up and calls out for Gratuity Tucci to surrender.
  • She's scared, and doesn't know what to do, but Mrs. Hoegaarden tells her a secret way to slip out.
  • J.Lo meets Tip outside, and she asks where her mom is. J.Lo looks back at the casino, and Tip figures out that the Gorg got her. Oh no… She has to go back and save her.
  • They get there in time to see the Gorg slap her mom across the face and then sneeze; the other Gorg sneezes, too, and it looks like they're having a fit.
  • At first Tip thinks it's because her mom has spent time with a Boov—maybe the Gorg get sick from the Boov or something—but J.Lo points out this has never happened before.
  • Nope, it's the cats. Remember how they rounded them all up and got rid of them? That's because they're allergic to cats. No wonder they always sneeze around Tip and now her mom.
  • They decide to put Pig in the cloner so there are a bunch of cats running around, causing sneeze attacks for the Gorg.
  • Tip goes in the teleporter and jumps all over the place—first to Daniel's broom closet, and then to Happy Mouse Kingdom. Each time, she duplicates more cats and tosses them out in to the world to attack Gorg.
  • Suddenly, there are a thousand cats roaming around, meowing.
  • The Gorg start leaving, before announcing that earth belongs to the cat.
  • Tip is reunited with Pig and feels safe again, then she, Pig, and J.Lo hop back to Arizona where her mom is.
  • Word spreads pretty quickly that Daniel Landry saved the world.
  • He challenged a Gorg to a duel of strength and wits and won. (Sure he did.) He even wrote a book about it.
  • Tip knows that she and J.Lo really saved the world. But honestly, it's fine with her that Daniel took the credit, because he hasn't had a single moment out of the limelight since. She just wanted things to go back to normal, and they did… almost.
  • The Chief died in the spring from old age. Tip kept his dog so he would have a nice home.
  • The Boov didn't know what else to do once the Gorg left, so they left, too. Word is they're trying to take over Saturn now.
  • Tip and her family sold their floating car (and the patent for it), and with the money they got from the sale, they moved to a lake house. They thought it best to get out of the big city if they had an alien living with them.
  • Tip closes out her story by thinking about the fact that she'll never do anything better in life than when she was eleven—that's when she saved the world.
  • We get a tiny newspaper clipping that reads "113 Year Old Dies At Time Capsule Unveiling." The mini article says Tip's essay was read at the time capsule opening, and then she died right afterwards.
  • She's survived by a bunch of children and great-grandchildren… and a Boov.