The True Meaning of Smekday Theme of Lies and Deceit

Most of the characters in The True Meaning of Smekday are lying—if not to others, then to themselves. Take the Boov, for example. They're deceitful about what their intentions for earth (or should we say Smekland) are. As for the Gorg, well, they're straight up liars when it comes to the promises they make to Daniel Landry and the people. And then there's Daniel, who wants to believe the Gorg so badly that he lies to himself, even though he sees a bunch of loopholes in their story.

It seems like no one is completely honest in the book, not even our favorite Boov, J.Lo, who lies about being on the run from his peeps, or our girl Tip, who keeps secrets about her mom's abduction.

Questions About Lies and Deceit

  1. Are any of the lies justified in the novel? What lies are we more sympathetic toward?
  2. Is everyone lying, or does it just seem like it to Tip? For example, does Landry really know what's happening with the Gorg, or is he covering it up? How much of the lies we hear are just from Tip's perspective?
  3. Why does Tip lie? It seems like she lies to people who are close to her—J.Lo and her mom—as well as strangers. Is there a difference between these lies? Is her motivation the same?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Although Tip lies to her family and friends, we're told she's trying to spare their feelings when she does so, which makes it okay.

Tip might be trying to protect her mom's feelings, but lying to her is still harmful in the long run.