The True Meaning of Smekday Theme of The Supernatural

Boov and Gorg are not real (as far as we know—if you're out there, Boov, we sincerely apologize). So why do both species of aliens make an appearance in The True Meaning of Smekday? Sure it makes the book science fiction, but more than that, we think it's to create a sizable element of uncertainty for Tip and readers alike. No one's really sure who these space folks are or what they want, and as such, a lot of the book is about figuring these creatures out. Lucky us, we get to go along for the journey.

Questions About The Supernatural

  1. If you heard about Tip's mom's glowing mole with a direct line to aliens, would you believe her?
  2. Why or why not?
  3. What different characteristics do Gorg and Boov have? Which do you think is more like humans?
  4. How do you think the book would change if it were written from J.Lo's perspective? Do you want to learn more about what other Boov think (besides him)?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

The Boov seem more similar to humans because they aren't giant and they're so gosh darn communicative.

The Gorg seem more similar to humans than the Boov because they are taller, enjoy the arts, and start fights easily.