The Usual Rules Chapter 2 Summary

  • Wendy remembers the time after her father left them and how her mom had to get serious office clothes and find a job instead of following her dream of being a professional dancer.
  • Janet eventually found a job as an executive secretary and worked a lot, which meant Wendy had to go to day care and didn't get to see her mom a lot. Bummer.
  • Then her mom started dating other men and even got serious with a man named Tom… but it turned out he wasn't really divorced and she ended it. Close one.
  • Then one day Garrett showed up and told Janet she still looked beautiful as ever. Much to Wendy's disappointment, though, Janet wasn't buying it.
  • Because Janet didn't want to spend time with him, Garrett took Wendy to F.A.O. Schwarz and bought her a doll.
  • And when they returned to the apartment, her mother wasn't there. Her friend Kate was there instead, and she told Garrett that Janet wouldn't be spending any time with him.
  • Garrett told Wendy to write to him and visit sometime, even though she realized later that he never gave her his address—and that he didn't even know that she couldn't write yet.