The Usual Rules Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Your dad wanted to call you Sierra, her mother would begin, because you were conceived in the Sierra Mountains, on a camping trip. Trout fishing, naturally. But ever since I was a little girl, I always said if I had a daughter, I'd call her Wendy. (Prologue.2)

Wendy got her name from her mother's favorite book, Peter Pan, and they've watched the play together a million times. This love of the story and its magic is something they share.

Quote #2

But then she had started to wonder if it really was what she wanted most, to tap-dance in the back row now and then, nights when somebody in the company called in sick, living in her little one-room apartment, eating her soup alone […]

The pregnancy—discovered a few days after they returned from their camping trip—came as a surprise, but not bad news. What do you say we get married? Garrett had said. (Prologue.18)

Even though Janet wanted to be a professional dancer forever, she started to think about settling down and having a family—and becoming pregnant with Wendy just solidified that desire for her.

Quote #3

After her father left and they moved to their new apartment, Wendy's mother said she'd have to find a real job. She closed the Pocahontas Dancing School and sold her mirrors and let Wendy keep all the leftover costumes for dress-ups. She bought a suit and navy blue high heels and cut her hair short, and put Wendy in day care. (2.1)

Janet goes from being a carefree young woman who wants to be on Broadway to a responsible career woman and mother, and she never complains about having to make this change for the sake of her family. She only wishes Garrett would do the same.