The Usual Rules Chapter 32 Summary

  • Wendy has the first dream about her mother in a long while, one in which they're going to see Peter Pan.
  • Her mother plays Peter Pan and flies across the stage. Everyone is super impressed, but after the show Wendy waits for her mom but she doesn't show up. A man tells her that her mother is long gone and that she'll have to survive on her own two feet.
  • At school, Wendy starts spending more time with Henry—the kid she knows from band. They spend lots of time talking about music and he's totally impressed by the fact that she's from New York.
  • Louie has a party at a bowling alley for his birthday, and he's in high spirits when Wendy calls him in the morning to wish him a good one. He says he's been super good all this year.
  • Wendy goes to the grand opening of the cactus garden that Carolyn installed. Even Violet and Walter Charles come with them.
  • When Wendy gets home that night, she calls Josh to ask how the party went, and he admits that it was a rather rough day.
  • The party went fine, but after everyone went home, they went back to the apartment and gave Louie a train. He started crying because he thought the magic wand was supposed to bring back his mama—that was his birthday wish.
  • The next day, Wendy comes home from school to find a note from Carolyn on the counter, telling her that Kate called and is going to stop by to see her because she's in California.
  • Kate tells Wendy that she's moving to Hawaii to live with her brother; she just needs to get out of New York now that Wendy's mom is gone.
  • She tells Wendy all about how she and Josh started seeing each other because they were both so sad, and how she never even thought of it when Wendy's mom was alive. But she knows that it can't last—he's still pining for Janet.
  • Then Kate leaves for the airport and bids farewell to Wendy. This leaves Wendy to think about when she got her period and how her mom took her out to ice cream and celebrated.