The Usual Rules The Home Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Josh was making French toast. The kitchen smelled of just-ground coffee beans and frying butter. He was playing the Teach Yourself Spanish tape. Part one of her mother's birthday present last month. Part two was the trip to Mexico scheduled for next spring, when Wendy was going to stay at Amelia's or possibly go to California to visit her real dad, but she wasn't supposed to count on this. It had been nearly three years since she'd seen him. (1.31)

Wendy's home in New York City is totally cozy and homey. Her parents and her little brother make it so, and they all have their own little routine in the morning with a homemade hot breakfast. How pleasant.

Quote #2

Now Josh was holding the box of Duncan Hines in front of her mother, like evidence. I hope and pray this is the last time an item like this ever makes its way into our kitchen. Just tell me it was temporary insanity.

I bought that a long time ago, her mother said. I didn't think I'd ever know anyone who could make us brownies from scratch. (1.72-73)

Josh is a stickler for not having frozen dinners or boxes of brownie mix in their house. He believes that food should be made from scratch—they can enjoy it a lot more that way. It's more personal and filled with love.

Quote #3

Tomorrow morning, she would board a plane for Sacramento, and by nightfall she'd be walking into the house of a man she hardly knew, who called himself her father, and everything she'd known or loved best in her life up to this moment would be gone, and whatever was coming next, she didn't have a clue. (12.69)

Wendy has no idea what to prepare for when she boards the plane for California. She's lived in New York City her whole life, and now she has to leave the only home she's ever known to start over with a father she barely knows.