The Home Quotes in The Walking Dead

How we cite our quotes: (Panel)

Quote #4

"It's not like we're stealing the place… your neighborhood just seemed safer." (101)

Even during a zombie apocalypse, the cardinal rule of real estate applies when selecting a home: location location location. In this case, a location far away from zombies. The rules about squatting, however, no longer apply.

Quote #5

"We're neighbors. Keep an eye on my house for me." (131)

Up until he leaves for Atlanta, Rick still thinks he'll be returning home someday. He doesn't realize that he'll probably never see it again. This speaks to how just the idea of home can be a comfort when you're heading into a dangerous situation. It's what keeps soldiers going when they're overseas fighting.

Quote #6

[A house in Georgia.] (159)

This house looks relatively safe on the outside. Clean. Undamaged. But you can only know the true state of a home by going inside. Inside, the father of the family appears to have killed his entire family, then himself, to avoid becoming victims of the zombies. The image is a tragically ironic statement on the home = safety equation.