The Home Quotes in The Walking Dead

How we cite our quotes: (Panel)

Quote #7

KNOCK! KNOCK! "Anybody home?! I'm coming in…" (160-162)

Rick still respects basic etiquette rules, even during the zombie apocalypse. He knocks politely at the front door of someone's home. We can't see, but he probably even wipes his feet before he enters.

Quote #8

[Rick wakes up in his tent with Lori and Carl.] (299)

The tent might not seem like much, but it's now Rick's home. At least it is as long as his family is there with him. It's the place of comfort. Robert Frost was right.

Quote #9

"We need to move camp. It's not smart to be this close to a city full of those things." (395)

Shane sees the camp as temporary. He thinks this crisis will be over soon. But Rick, who's speaking here, realizes that they need a more permanent solution. The camp might be their home for a while, and it needs to be safe.