Three Times Lucky Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Okay, but I better check in with Mama first," he said. He folded his last pancake into his mouth.

One thing about Miss Rose: She likes to keep track of her baby. (9.70-71)

Dale is definitely the baby of his family, and because he's so much younger than his brother Lavender, Miss Rose keeps a very close eye on him. When Mr. Jesse turns up dead, Miss Rose just gets increasingly overprotective. Can you blame her?

Quote #5

I studied her parents' faces: strong faces, with eyes that peered straight into my heart. I wondered if my own people would look into my heart too. "Your people have kind faces," I said. "I wish I'd known them." (11.14)

Mo is pleased that Miss Lana is giving her old pictures from her childhood, but at the same time she feels an acute sense of loss. She's sad that she doesn't have this kind of family history in her own photo album.

Quote #6

Mr. Macon rose unsteadily, his face twisted in rage. "There ain't nothing wrong with the way I'm raising my boy," he said, his voice thick. "If anybody's to blame for the way he turned out, it's his mama. Ain't that right, Mo? Who does she think she is, telling me to get out of my own house?" (12.85)

Mr. Macon's all upset that his wife doesn't want him in the house anymore, but it's his fault that he's lost his family—he's the one who's treated them all so poorly over the years. He really shouldn't expect unconditional love anymore.