Three Times Lucky Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You know, Mo, I've always thought you were lucky to have two mothers," she said. "Miss Lana, plus a fantasy one." (21.40)

Anna Celeste's statement may sound like just another insult, but she's actually trying to explain why she's jealous of Mo. After all, her mom is an absolute nightmare, so she'd rather have Miss Lana any day.

Quote #8

"And I'm sick of hearing about your Upstream Mother. You think you're the only person that ever got thrown away?" he said. "You think Anna Celeste doesn't get thrown away every time her mother looks razor blades at her? You think I don't get thrown away every time Daddy…" (22.72)

Dale isn't tired of hearing about Mo's Upstream Mother because it's just the same old story time and again—he's tired because he feels like she doesn't appreciate how awesome her family is compared to other peoples'.

Quote #9

I pictured the Colonel pulling me from the flood, smoothing a bedroll beneath the stars, sitting at Miss Rose's table with his forehead resting in his hands. I pictured Miss Lana struggling in with her arms full of hurricane candy, walking me to kindergarten, writing Mr. Jesse's eulogy. I pictured them laughing with me and scolding me, and teaching me to hold my own at the café. (29.78)

When Mo thinks about her family, she doesn't think about some random strange woman who is her Upstream Mother. She immediately thinks of the Colonel and Miss Lana and all of the memories they've shared.