Three Times Lucky Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Me too," I hesitated, staring toward my dark bedroom. "I can leave my door open tonight if you'd like. That way I can hear you, if you need me."

I caught the flicker of a smile in his dark eyes. "That might make me feel better," he said. "Perhaps I'll sleep on the sofa. That way it will be easier to find me if I call." (7.12-13)

The Colonel isn't sleeping on the sofa because he's scared for himself, he's sleeping there so that he can keep an eye on Mo. He may not shower her with verbal affection all the time, but he obviously loves her a lot.

Quote #5

She kissed my face. Her kisses are as soft as rose petals. "I missed you too, sugar," she said. "And for future reference, your summer curfew is eight p.m. Sharp. And the Colonel and I didn't have a fight, exactly." She sighed. "What is it with that man?" (8.19)

Love is complicated sometimes. Even though Miss Lana loves the Colonel wholeheartedly (and vice versa), they sometimes have a hard time understanding each other. But she knows that he'll always come back home to her when he's ready.

Quote #6

What happened next will live on as one of the great moments in history: Lavender smiled, bent down, and kissed my face.

My first kiss! And it was from Lavender! (18.38-39)

This is all Mo's ever wanted: Her prince charming is kissing her on the cheek, and even though it's totally platonic, Mo is beyond thrilled. A kiss on the cheek is a pretty big deal when you're eleven.