Three Times Lucky Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Miss Rose sailed across the kitchen, her green eyes worried. "Oh, Mo," she said. "I'm so sorry." Her arms closed around me, and my eyes filled with hot, frightened tears.

I sobbed like a first grader.

"We'll find Miss Lana," she said, smoothing my hair. "Don't worry. We'll find her." (18.82-84)

It's a good thing that Dale's family loves Mo like she's one of their own. When the Colonel and Miss Lana go missing, she's going to need a family of some sort to lean on while Detective Starr searches for her guardians.

Quote #8

"Why would anybody want to take Miss Lana? I mean, she's nice but she drives the Colonel so crazy he stays away half the time." He glanced up from the scrapbook. "I mean that in a good way," he said. "I love Miss Lana."

"I know. I love her too." (19.26-27)

Everyone in town is reeling from Miss Lana's kidnapping, not just Mo. After all, she runs the café that serves as the hub of their community, and they just want her to come home safe and sound.

Quote #9

I will always love your mother for letting you go, Soldier, and I will always love you for holding on. (20.50)

The Colonel isn't a terribly emotional man in person, but when he writes Mo a letter about how he found her, he gets a bit sappy. It's obvious that he loves her very much and is glad that she floated down the creek and into his arms.