Three Times Lucky Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She held out a crumpled scrap of paper and adjusted her reading glasses. "'Mama,'" she read. "'I am a murder suspect over at Mo's if you need me. Please do not worry. Your loving son, Dale.'" She glanced up. "Is that the note you're referring to?" (10.10)

Honesty may be the best policy, but Dale doesn't exactly make the truth easy on his poor mother. When she finds the note about how he's a murder suspect, Miss Rose obviously freaks out.

Quote #5

"All right," he said. "I walked the boat up the creek to Mr. Jesse's dock, and I knocked on the door, like I said. Mr. Jesse come to the door in his pants and his undershirt, and he unlatched the door and pushed it open, and…" Dale took a deep breath. "And he said, 'What are you doing on my door stoop, you no-good son of a white trash drunk.'" (13.69)

Poor Dale has to tell Detective Starr all the mean things that Mr. Jesse said to him when he returned the boat. It's obvious that he's ashamed of what he said about Mr. Macon… especially because it's the truth.

Quote #6

Thes popped to his feet, his round face red and glistening. He loosened his bow tie. "Everybody thinks Mr. Jesse was cheap," he said. "But he wasn't. Every Saturday night he slid a hundred dollars under the church door. He did it for eleven years that I know of. Even in hazardous weather." (15.52)

The Reverend's kid says something nice about Mr. Jesse when no one else will—even though they're at his funeral service. He's the only one who knows the truth about the donations that Mr. Jesse gave to the church every single week.