Three Times Lucky Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Sure," I said. "Anna Celeste has the best girl's voice in our class." It was true-ish. Sort of. We all sing like bullfrogs. "I bet you're proud to have her in your family, Mrs. Sampson. You should be." (17.26)

Anna Celeste may be Mo's sworn enemy for life, but Mo still doesn't like to see a kid getting bullied by her own mother. She sticks up for Anna Celeste and says that she has a good singing voice because it's the truth… and because she wants Anna Celeste's mom to stop being such a meanie.

Quote #8

"My undercover man? What are you talking about?" He spun the laptop around and squinted at the mug shot. "That's Robert Slate, a bank robber. He broke out of prison a few weeks ago. He's a wanted man." (18.104)

Oops. It turns out that Dale is totally wrong about the guy who's been following him around for days. He's not an undercover police officer at all—he's an escaped convict. Yikes.

Quote #9

He shrugged. "Nobody said anything about--"

"I've seen the marks. If he tries it around me, I'll take him down." He cocked an eyebrow. "I'm a born scrapper, plus I have karate skills," I reminded him. (22.80-81)

Dale doesn't need to tell Mo about how Mr. Macon beats him; she's figured out the truth all on her own. And she hates Mr. Macon for it and vows to beat him up if Dale ever needs her to. What a friend.