Where Things Come Back Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Here's the thing about my father and me. We got along just fine. Everything had been great between us since he had stopped drinking when I was thirteen. Then one day when I was around sixteen I decided to start being a bastard to him. I had no real explanation for it. Still don't. (3.49) 

Boy, teenagers always have fraught relationships with their parents, don't they? It's obvious that Cullen and his dad still have a lot of stuff to work out, especially with his dad's history of alcoholism and Cullen's penchant for pessimism. 

Quote #2

I punched my brother lightly on the right arm the way brothers do to show affection, and we walked over toward the car as Lucas pulled up. (3.69) 

Hugging each other would probably be too weird and not manly enough. It's way better to just punch your brother in the arm in order to tell him how much you love him, right? 

Quote #3

In the two weeks following my brother's vanishing off the face of the Earth, my parents seemed to be closer than ever. My dad had stayed at the house every night, refusing to go on any out-of-town runs or to stay away from my mother for more than a couple of hours at a time. (5.115) 

Some families may be challenged and torn apart by the loss of a loved one, but Cullen's family does the opposite—they band together to try to find Gabriel. That doesn't make things any less miserable for them, though.