Where Things Come Back Sadness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I followed him into the house and Mom was already in his bedroom, already crying again as she talked to a half-asleep Aunt Julia. Soon there was one more crying voice, and Gabriel and I sat up on my bed and listened through the wall as Aunt Julia rambled on and on about wanting to die. (1.10) 

Man, Cullen was already having a hard time when he identified Oslo's body, and things only get worse when he comes home. Everyone's in a state of mourning, especially poor Aunt Julia who is now all alone in the world. 

Quote #2

I was sad for my aunt Julia, who could barely utter a sentence without bursting into tears. I was sad for people like Mena Prescott, who tried so hard to pretend that she wasn't affected by it. Mostly though, I was sad for my brother. He didn't act sad, but I knew him better than that. (3.61) 

Don't ever accuse Cullen Witter of being unfeeling. Even though he doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve all the time, he definitely feels other people's pain. During Oslo's funeral, he's not even sad for himself—he's sad for all the people that he cares about. 

Quote #3

I'm not sure why, but I wouldn't talk to anyone but the police for that entire day. Not to my parents. Not to Lucas. I couldn't make myself speak. I wasn't crying. I was just silent, sitting there with my eyes glued to the TV screen, listening to my parents being interviewed by the two cops in the dining room. (5.91) 

Everyone processes grief and shock in different ways. For Cullen, his method of coping with the loss of the one person he loves more than anything in the world is to completely shut down. He doesn't want to interact with anyone.