Where Things Come Back Versions of Reality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

When one is sitting in the passenger seat of his best friend's car, and an overly enthusiastic hillbilly is ranting in the backseat about being snubbed by a cheerleader at lunch, his mind begins to wander and think about zombies. (1.48) 

Hmm… do you think that Cullen would maybe have more friends if he wasn't always imagining zombie apocalypses happening in his town? It's obvious that he's using these alternate worlds in order to escape his own when he's bored or having a particularly unpleasant time. 

Quote #2

"Cullen Witter, folks! He lives in the future, only he does it today!" Lucas shouted out the window as we passed an endless span of trees, grass, and nothingness. (5.81) 

Cullen Witter may live in boring old Lily like everyone else, but in his mind, he's long gone. He's always living in the bright, exciting future where he's gotten out of this Podunk town and has made it to somewhere dazzling. 

Quote #3

"I think I don't care. I'm tired of seeing posters for that bird in the place of posters for my brother. I'm tired of reading articles about the bird instead of ones about my brother, and I'm tired of hearing John Barling's voice on the radio and seeing his face on the TV when he is talking about that bird instead of talking about my brother." (5.159) 

Maybe it seems harmless that all the townspeople in Lily are super into the reemergence of the Lazarus bird, but Cullen sees it as a personal affront. All these people are putting their energy into finding a stupid bird instead of finding his brother.