Where Things Come Back Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I wasn't thinking about missing him or pitying him or even about how angry I was at him. I was just standing there like some ass-hat, mouth half-open and eyes glued to one spot. (1.5) 

Oslo's death doesn't necessarily make Cullen sad or angry—in the moment that he sees the body, he's just struck by the fact that he has one less family member alive. He has no cousins now. 

Quote #2

He still slept, an impossibly sincere smile on his face. He had a habit of shutting out the world. Habits like this meant that he didn't look up when he walked down the hallway at school. (1.12) 

Gabriel is alone by choice. He may just have a few friends, but he doesn't feel lonely or left out. He's in his own little world and he's perfectly content with that. 

Quote #3

With that, his father left the room and Benton, anger boiling up from places he hadn't known existed, clenched his fists tightly and, for a few moments, forgot how to breathe. He wanted to get up, walk out, and pick up Susie at her house; continue with the plans he'd been excited about for weeks. But he couldn't. (6.34) 

Poor Benton—he'll never feel at home amongst his peers if he's trying to live up to his father's expectations. Since everyone else is a terrible sinner to Benton's father, it means that Benton doesn't get to go out and socialize.