Where Things Come Back Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Lucas was the only other guy besides Gabriel that I could stand to be around, simply for the fact that I just didn't like guys that much. I liked girls and women, but guys really put me off most of the time. Everything is a pissing contest with most guys. With Lucas, I could be my insecure shell of a man and not feel threatened. (1.12) 

Cullen and Gabriel may keep to themselves, but they've managed to add one more permanent fixture to their friend group, and he's a keeper. With Lucas, they can be themselves and know that he will always back them up. 

Quote #2

Mena Prescott had become, at some point over that summer, someone I learned to truly appreciate, which is not something I do easily with most people. For at least one night a week since Gabriel's disappearance, Mena had shown up at our house with a sack full of groceries and cooked an entire meal, dessert and all. (11.17) 

It appears that Cullen has judged Mena Prescott unjustly in saying that she's fake and annoying. When he and his family are in need, she's totally there and goes above and beyond in terms of making sure that they're taken care of. 

Quote #3

Lucas Cader and Mena Prescott said nothing but looked over at me with expressions that suggested that they were either about to laugh or run for the door. They did neither. (11.42) 

Well, if Cullen had any doubts about Lucas and Mena before, they must be gone by now. After all, only true blue friends stick around once your parents bring home a psychic who is supposed to find your kidnapped or deceased brother.