Where Things Come Back Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Like most teenage boys, I, Cullen Witter, was in love with a beautiful girl who had a big, burly boyfriend who would just as soon kick my ass as look at me. (1.14) 

Ah, young love. It's clear that Cullen Witter has been "in love" with a girl who hasn't ever really given him the time of day… and maybe that's what makes his situation so romantic. 

Quote #2

The unspoken philosophy of all those in love with Ada was something like this: If I have to die to get that, then death it is. (1.16) 

Is it really a good idea to pin your romantic hopes on someone who's known as the Black Widow? Ada's boyfriends may all end up dead, but that doesn't stop Cullen from wanting a shot with her. He's got priorities, after all. 

Quote #3

When I told him that I wanted to write a book about zombies taking over our town, he suggested that I make myself the hero and said nonchalantly, "You could even have to kill me after I get bitten. Wouldn't that be an awesome twist?" I didn't tell him then, but I had no intention of ever letting him die in any book. (3.43) 

Having Gabriel die in his zombie book probably would be an awesome twist, but Cullen would never let that happen. He loves his brother way too much to let him die—even in fiction.