Bell Curve

Bell Curve


Recent graduate in wind farm tech. Salary: $0

You recently graduated with an associate's degree from a vocational school near your hometown. You couldn't explain the plot to The Great Gatsby to save your life (nor do you care to, really), but you sure know your way around a gearbox.


Wind Farm Trainee. Salary: $10/hr

After graduating with a specialty in wind technology, there's really only one thing for you to do: get a job in wind tech. But first, you need more training, starting with conquering your fear of heights. Don't worry, after the first few climbs, you'll totally get the hang of it.


Wind Tech Apprenticeship. Salary: $13/hr

You've made it big with this new apprenticeship. 144 hours of technical instruction, 2000 hours on the job...for three years. And CPR training. And a lot of math review. The fear of heights part seems like a cakewalk now, huh?


Wind Technician. Salary: $19/hr

You have a steady paycheck and have worked with the same farm for a few years now, so you know these turbines inside and out. You just need to bide your time for a couple more years before getting the big promotion to upper management, but things are going well for the time being. Plus, the views from up on the turbines are spectacular.


Site Manager. Salary: $25/hr or more

The wind farm you operate in rural Texas just pioneered new storage technology, allowing your plant to pump electricity as far as Maine. You're being hailed as one of the greatest innovators in the wind power industry, and you're making a pretty decent living at that.