Because of Winn-Dixie Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"And them Dewberry boys, you try not to judge them too harsh either, all right?"

"All right," I said. (14.42-43)

You can't really blame Opal for struggling with this one, because those boys are downright infuriating. Still, props to her for trying to follow Gloria's advice, and guess what? In the end, she does forgive them.

Quote #5

I was just getting ready to stick my tongue out at them; but then I thought about what Miss Franny said, about war being hell, and I thought about what Gloria Dump said, about not judging them too hard. And so I just waved instead. (17.36)

Talk about self-control. Opal is a poster child for forgiveness here, since being rude would have been so much easier. You go girl!

Quote #6

"You tell Stevie you're sorry if you said anything that hurt his feelings. I'm sure he just wants to be your friend. […] Some people have a strange way of going about making friends." (18.42,44)

The preacher makes a good point. Not everyone thinks the same way. He's teaching her a lesson in compassion, which he most likely had to learn many times as a preacher. Sometimes it's a better idea to turn the other cheek than to smack it. And let's face it. When it comes to boys and girls, no dad wants to teach the ol' "birds and the bees" lesson. Compassion is easier.