Because of Winn-Dixie Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I didn't feel so lonely anymore. (8.38)

It's amazing what a little social gumption can do. Thanks to Opal's bravery, she has a friend, a job, and a party invitation—even if it's just to a six-year-old's "pink" party. Seems like it doesn't really take much to stop feeling so alone.

Quote #5

He cried just like a baby. He missed his mama and he missed his daddy and he missed his sisters and he missed the boy he used to be. (17.1)

This is maybe the saddest kind of loneliness we've every heard: missing your younger self. When Littmus returns from the war, he's changed. He'll never be an innocent little boy again, and part of—okay, a lot of—him wishes that he could.

Quote #6

"It taste sweet. But it also taste like people leaving." (18.8)

Gloria Dump doesn't talk about her specific sorrows, but she's lonely, because people have left her. Have they died? Or did they leave because of the mistakes she commemorates on her mistake tree?