Dark Water Poverty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Sunlight made everything look new and hopeful. "Number two was the bridge to poverty," Robby said, (37.29)

When Robby describes where he took Mary Beth on date, Hoyt is a little surprised to say the least. There are other names for the bridge, but Robby thinks calling it out as a bridge to poverty most accurately describes it. There is a lot of poverty in Fallbrook, but no one wants to talk about it very much.

Quote #8

The answer was too long to write, so he whispered, "My father sent my mother money until I had four years, but then he stopped." (38.7)

Amiel's dad lived in the U. S. last time he checked. He used to send money, but then he stopped suddenly, which is when things went from bad to worse for Amiel. In many ways, he and Pearl share a similar family situation insofar as they are both dealing with poverty after being abandoned by their dads.

Quote #9

"It's like we're hobos," I said. "Picking through the trash." I waved, and the passengers looked away. (55.15)

After the fire, Pearl points out that everything has come full circle. She used to show her dad the so-called hobos on the side of the road, and now she and her mom are homeless themselves. Their destitute situation makes her think of Amiel, too, who has dealt with being homeless for a lot longer than they have.