Love Quotes in Eclipse

How we cite our quotes: (chapter.paragraph)

Quote #4

[Jacob to Bella:] "Is that what [love] comes down to? Good looks?" (4.166-168)

Given that Bella always swoons over Edward's beauty, Jacob seems to have a point here. So how much does Bella love Edward for his looks? And what might attract Edward to Bella's human looks?

Quote #5

[Bella to Jacob:] "Well, that just sucks! I guess I'm stuck with Mike Newton after all." (4.176)

Does this mean that, in our normal world, we can never find the perfect mate, but will always have to settle for a compromise? Is the perfect mate a supernatural construct?

Quote #6

[Bella to Jacob:] "What is a valid reason for someone to love someone else?" (4.174-175)

Good question. Is there a valid reason to love or to not love someone else? Or does true love know no reason, not even choice? Bella seems to believe in the inevitability of her love for Edward. She has no choice but to love him. Is that a valid reason, or does love need no reason?