Love Quotes in Eclipse

How we cite our quotes: (chapter.paragraph)

Quote #7

[Rosalie to Bella:] "When Royce kissed me, it wasn't quite the same… I shoved that thought aside. Royce was my prince." (7.40)

It seems that Rosalie knew in her heart that she was only in love with the idea of loving Royce and of him loving her. What does that say about Rosalie's character as a human girl? Do you think she's changed much as a vampire?

Quote #8

[Bella to Jacob:] "I love you, but I'm not in love with you." (15.11)

To love versus being "in" love. What do you think is the difference? Can you transition from one to the other?

Quote #9

[Jacob to Bella:] "Think about it Bella… you've kissed just one person – who isn't really a person – in your whole life… How do you know that's what you want?" (21.216)

Jacob seems to believe that kissing a person can tell you if you love them. He obviously has a very physical idea of love. How might that tie in with his werewolf nature?