Transformation Quotes in Eclipse

How we cite our quotes: (chapter.paragraph)

Quote #4

[Jacob to Bella:] "You won't be Bella anymore," he told me. "My friend won't exist." (8.217)

Do you believe Jacob is right? Will "his" Bella die and a "new" Bella be born?

Quote #5

[Jacob to Bella:] "You'd be better off dead. I'd rather you were." (8.237)

Like Rosalie, Jacob believes that death is better than being a vampire. Obviously, vampires are his enemies. What other reasons might he have to see Bella dead rather than being a vampire?

Quote #6

That was my first impression. But after a few hours of watching Jared watch Kin, I could no longer find anything plain about the girl. (11.20)

Our love for another person obviously changes our perception of them. They suddenly become beautiful to us, even if they're not "conventionally" beautiful. What are some conventional standards of beauty in our society?