Transformation Quotes in Eclipse

How we cite our quotes: (chapter.paragraph)

Quote #7

I was ready to join [Edward's] family. The fear and guilt and anguish I was feeling now had taught me that much… The next time something came at us, I would be ready. An asset, not a liability. (20.9)

Is Bella's desire to not be "a liability" a valid reason for her to want to be transformed?

Quote #8

[Bella to Edward:] "What I meant was physically though. Intellectually I know I'll be able to be myself… after a while." (20.146)

Bella seems to be more concerned about losing her physical love for Edward than her mental love for him. What is more important for a long-lasting relationship – physical or mental love?

Quote #9

[Edward to Jacob:] "The way you perceive us, you might not be able to see her as Bella anymore." (22.150)

What is Edward trying to say? That Jacob's perception or feelings for Bella are too rooted in her human identity that he can't see beyond it? What "Bella" might Edward see that Jacob can't see?