Feathers Part 1 / Chapter 4 Summary

  • On the second day that the new boy is in school, Trevor is absent because he broke his arm. Rayray tells everyone the story of how he tried to jump from the swings to the fence, and everyone laughs, even though Frannie feels kind of sorry for Trevor.
  • When she gets into class, the new boy is looking at her and Maribel makes fun of her for being the object of his attention.
  • Ms. Johnson asks the boy what he wants to be called by, and he says that everyone calls him Jesus and that he likes that. Instead of telling him to use his real name, Ms. Johnson rolls with it because she's a cool teacher.
  • Rayray starts getting upset and going on about how she thinks that the boy shouldn't go by the name of Jesus, and how he doesn't even belong here.
  • But then the boy starts crying, and Rayray feels bad. The Jesus Boy says that he used to live on the other side of the highway, but his family didn't belong there, either; he thought that people would be nicer to him here.
  • Rayray says that it's okay… they all get a little lost sometimes.