Feathers Part 3 / Chapter 14 Summary

  • Trevor comes back to school on Monday, complete with a cast that he's written "NY Knicks" all over. He won't even let his friends sign it.
  • Because it's snowed over the weekend, the schoolyard is completely covered and beautiful. Frannie thinks about what happened with Sean and the girls, and remembers seeing him walk off to his school for kids with disabilities—Daffodil.
  • Jesus Boy comes into the schoolyard and waves at Frannie. Maribel immediately starts to make fun of him for paying only in pennies (doesn't this girl have any other comedic material?) but Frannie defends him.
  • Then Trevor comes up and starts picking on Jesus Boy, but Rayray tells Trevor to leave him alone. Samantha thinks that this is another miraculous sign… the kind of sign that the real Jesus would cause.
  • Trevor gets even madder because his friends are defending the Jesus Boy. He tries to fight him, but Jesus Boy just asks Trevor why he's so mad—he asks if it's because he has a daddy and Trevor doesn't. Oh, snap.
  • Trevor calls Jesus Boy a white boy, but Jesus Boy retorts that his daddy isn't white, and neither is his mama. Trevor is the one who supposedly has a white daddy.
  • They all watch as Trevor takes a swing at Jesus Boy, but misses. When he misses, he falls over and starts to cry, which completely surprises all the other kids. So much for the tough guy act.
  • Frannie and the Jesus Boy are the only people who go up to Trevor and help him up.