Burt Selden

Character Analysis

Burt wears a white coat and works at Beekman Lab, but his heart is in the right place. Charlie's spidey-sense tells him Burt is a nice guy even before the operation, which is right on the money: Burt always tries to give Charlie the facts straight-up, even when everything is kind of complicated (3).

Take the Rorschach test, for instance. Burt takes the times to explain to Charlie exactly why he didn't understand the original instructions, even though he could have just have easily blown him off (57). And at the convention, he takes the time to chat with Charlie about how Nemur is a giant dweeb.

Burt has his own goals that don't include Charlie, like getting his PhD and using his padded résumé to get away from Beekman for good.

You can tell he wants to treat Charlie like a normal person, but he gets caught up in the exciting science of it all.