Frank and Joe

Character Analysis

These two are basically the same people, which is to say that they're basically bad news. They pretend to be Charlie's friends while they secretly make fun of him behind his back, and they love getting him drunk for entertainment purposes. As soon as Charlie gets smart enough to realize what's going on, they turn on him with Gimpy and get him fired. Nice going, guys.

But we've got to hand it to them: they come to Charlie's rescue at the end, when he's vulnerable and getting picked on by the new bakery employee, Klaus. Charlie tells us they stand up for him and shake Klaus down a little bit. So yeah, we'll grudgingly give it to them that they redeem themselves a bit by the end. But we can't help but wonder if they think it's only okay to make fun of Charlie when they do it themselves—and that logic doesn't work on anyone, least of all us.