Time Quotes in Fuse

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Is Weed telling him he'll have one week to dredge up the memories? Just a week or so? (56.46)

Being crunched for time can be a good thing sometimes, but here it's not so great. Partridge is faced with the task of regaining his memory in only one week.

Quote #8

"I've been your age longer than you, that's all. And I'll be your age for as long as I can." (70.57)

Being young is great and all, but staying young forever has its consequences. Just look at Iralene.

Quote #9

"He wants to live forever. He wants his brain to continue on. His body won't let this happen. But yours…" (76.20)

Woah, this makes time suspension even more problematic. Imagine if people tried to defy time by taking other peoples' bodies. Now that's messed up.