Fuse Chapter 70 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Partridge (Broken)

  • Partridge thinks that Iralene is having a nervous breakdown, but still, for some reason he believes her.
  • He starts to frantically search the room; where would he hide something? Let's check the bathroom!
  • Sure enough, Partridge finds the piece of paper he was looking for, and he reads the seven truths.
  • Mind blown.
  • He's flustered. Like, really flustered. And to make things worse, Iralene gives him an envelope that Glassings gave her. An envelope with a capsule of poison in it.
  • Partridge takes the capsule but tells her won't kill his father.
  • Iralene tries her very best to sway him, which is heart-wrenching because we know how happy she was to be with him. Iralene a tragic character.
  • She tries showing him the chambers people like her are being frozen in. While searching the chambers, he finds Jarv—one of the Hollenback's kids.
  • Then Iralene shows him another chamber: Odwald Belze, Pressia's grandfather.
  • Partridge doesn't know him, but then he has a memory: a small eye that clicks open. It's Pressia's doll hand.
  • Finally Iralene puts her hand on a metal door guarded by an alarm system—she wonders who's on the other side. And we're wondering too.