Leviathan Strength and Skill Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Klopp shrugged. "Too risky. In the Balkan Wars all the walker battles were in broad daylight."

"Exactly," Alek said. "But we've crossed the length of Austria in darkness. We've mastered a skill that no one even dares to practice." (17.23-24)

It's always an advantage when you can take everyone by surprise. We give a little cheer for humanity whenever someone does something that's said to be impossible—heck, we might even tear up a little.

Quote #8

No stumbles now, no mistakes or they'd all be caught.

The moon had cleared the trees, the water shimmering in their path. A smile grew on Alek's face as he brought the Stormwalker into a run. Let the frigate try and catch them now.

No one could night-walk like him. (17.87-89)

We feel Alek really comes into his own as a walker pilot in this scene, which is pretty cool because it's been important to him from the beginning. He's confident, and he knows he can run and not fall at night, which is kind of a big deal.

Quote #9

Half a kilometer out onto the snows Alek realized that he had finally snuck past his old fencing master. (22.48)

As much as Volger annoys Alek sometimes, we know this has to be a bittersweet moment for Alek. It can be an uncomfortable feeling to know that your skill has surpassed that of the guy who's taught you everything you know.