Drew Yallow

Character Analysis

Marcus's dad Drew frequently fights with Marcus about privacy and government control. He's a professor of library science and consultant for tech companies about their archives and data practices—it's an impressive resume, but his profession does tend to pit him against his digital freedom-loving son.

In theory he supports DHS methods, though when he's randomly searched multiple times he gets angry. Finally at home, he rants, "They had information about where I'd been…and it was wrong!" showing the problems with incompetent surveillance (9.4). But the next day he plays it cool and continues to support DHS methods, even when they're obviously wrong or ineffective.

Drew really loves Marcus and changes his tune about the DHS when all the secret interrogations are revealed—he's a good dad like that. We also see him as a ranting character for Marcus to test out arguments on: Drew's stubborn about his beliefs, just like his son Marcus. What do you think: is it nature or nurture?