Matched Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"He didn't want them to be able to bring him back. He wanted to choose what happened to him."

"But you had a choice, too," I whisper, angry. "You didn't have to do it." (12.30-31)

Grandfather wanted to choose his own destiny rather than have his future dictated by the Society. As we see throughout the book, when someone wants to make a choice to diverge from the rules, the people they love also have to make a choice about whether to support them.

Quote #2

Being with Ky, being with Xander—both things feel like standing in the light. Different types of light, but neither feels dark. (16.67)

Cassia's big choice is whether to be with Xander or Ky. It's a harder choice than most she makes because instead of choosing between what's right and what's wrong, she feels like she's choosing between two right answers.

Quote #3

It was as though for the first time I saw that life could branch into different paths, take different directions. (16.96)

This is an enlightening moment for Cassia. It's not until the error with her microcard that it even occurs to her that she has choices to make—she's never considered doing anything other than exactly what she's told before this.