Matched Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Even coming here empty-handed would be better than disappointing Grandfather. (7.83)

Ugh, Cassia feels so ashamed and humiliated when Grandfather—the person whose approval she most covets throughout the book—disapproves of her gift. We all know how awful it is when you feel like you've disappointed your family.

Quote #2

Grandfather looks at us and says the best words of all with which to end a life. "I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you."

We all say it back to him. (7.99-100)

Wouldn't this be the best way to die? Surrounded by family, telling them you love them, and hearing it back. Cassia agrees. This scene shows us that despite all the ways in which Society has changed the world, for better or for worse, some things remain the same, and one of those is the power of familial love.

Quote #3

This is who I am. But not who Grandfather thought you could be. (8.44)

Figuring out who we are and how this fits in with who our family wants us to be is one of the toughest parts of growing up. And haven't we all felt guilty over the possibility of not living up to our family's expectations?