Matched Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

For a moment, I think I should tell Xander everything. […] I should tell him about Ky's face on the screen. I should tell him about Ky in the woods, how he saw the poem. […] Instead, I shake my head. I don't want to talk about it right now. (11.53)

This is the first time Cassia deliberately hides the truth from Xander. While she wrestles with the decision this time, it foreshadows how natural it will become for her to lie to him (and others).

Quote #2

Mistake? It wasn't a mistake, I think. And then I realize: She doesn't know. He hasn't told her. My father has a secret from my mother. (14.75)

To Cassia, her parents' match is perfect and provides a solid foundation for her belief in the rules and order of society. Realizing that lies exist between them shatters that. Oh wait, but Cassia doesn't reveal the secret either. See? Lying's becoming second nature.

Quote #3

"Cassia," Xander says again. "I can hide it for you. Say you've lost it. Make your story convincing." (18.18)

Cassia's such a bad influence that Xander starts lying too. Or is it just that he loves her, and lies come naturally when protecting those we love? It's an important moment in the text because we start to realize that Cassia's not the only one willing to deceive the Society.