Matched Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I wouldn't take that tablet, Cassia. Not for a report. And perhaps not ever. You are strong enough to go without it." (10.100)

Cassia's certainly strong enough not to take a pill every time she feels a little bit nervous. But we hope Grandfather isn't implying that taking necessary medicine is a sign of weakness—we think it sometimes takes strength to accept help when we need it.

Quote #2

It's hard to know which ways to be strong. (12.33)

This is one of the essential questions Cassia wrestles with—does she show her courage by fighting for what she wants, or by denying herself what she wants to protect those she loves? Let's be honest, we're all pretty clear by this point which choice she's going to make.

Quote #3

Then, the question I asked myself was: Do I look pretty? Now, the question I ask is: Do I look strong? (18.54-55)

Courage wasn't something that even occurred to Cassia to strive for a few months back. It's kind of like her role model changed from Cinderella to Joan of Arc.