Matched Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Following the rules, staying safe. Those are the things that matter. (12.34)

The very thing everyone says right before they break the rules, right? We're guessing that in a couple chapters Cassia throws this totally out the window. But the Society has ingrained these values so deeply into her and others that it's rare that anyone steps out of line.

Quote #2

My father sometimes bends the rules for those he loves. (17.43)

It's interesting that Cassia also doesn't start bending the rules until she falls in love. And even then, it's her love for her family that keeps her from jumping headfirst into rebellion. Why are we more likely to bend rules for those we love than for ourselves?

Quote #3

You think there's nothing here because we're not putting up a fight. But there are words in our heads that no one else knows. And my grandfather died on his terms, not yours. We have things of value but you can never find them because you don't even know how to look. (18.65)

Okay, we're going to get philosophical here for a moment—does an act of rebellion count if who you're rebelling against is unaware (and likely always will be)? Cassia thinks that tiny acts of rebellion within a person can be super important for their identity and sanity.