Parrot in the Oven: Mi Vida Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Usually, though, I had fun teasing her into tantrums, but only when Mom or Magda were around to quiet down her hysterics. Besides, at that moment, seeing her face empty of any trust in me didn't make me feel good about bothering her. (6.39)

Manny has complicated relationships with his siblings. Here, when Magda leaves him to babysit Pedi on his own, Manny gets super frustrated with his littlest sister. And with no one else around to fix things for him, he feels kind of terrible about bugging her in the first place.

Quote #8

"I'm not ruining my life, Mom! You keep saying I'm going to ruin my life."

Mom shook her head like she wasn't listening. She'd gathered up her own thoughts, and would use them to do the figuring. "Your father and I ran off together when I was sixteen. You were already big in my belly." For a moment she looked to put her hand on Magda's shoulder, but held back, rubbing her arms. "Don't make the same mistake I did, that's all I have to say." (6.85-86)

Mom and Magda are both stubborn ladies, so when you put them into the ring together, it's no surprise that they both throw some punches. And we have to admit that it sort of seems like the fighting will never stop. Did you notice that Mom and Magda just can't see eye to eye? These two don't seem to be listening to each other at all—in fact, it's almost like they're having two separate conversations.

Quote #9

In the bathroom, Dad put Magda, nightgown and all, inside the tub and bobbed her steady. […] She looked up at us staring down at her, and then, with a surprise that showed the fever had died, she looked at Dad, amazed. I don't know if it was because of the pain in his back, or the pain of seeing Magda sick, or both, but his face was trembling and red, as if blown by a hot, blurry wind. (8.65)

This is a super tender moment between Magda and Dad. When Magda prematurely delivers a baby and goes to the hospital, everyone hides it from big bad Dad, figuring he'll be angry as can be when he learns what happens. Based on his track record, we can't blame them. But when it comes to caring for his daughter in a crisis, Dad puts all his other thoughts aside, and saves the day. For more on Dad, be sure to check out the "Characters" section.