The Demon's Lexicon Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He'd carry out Alan's little plan, even if he was in the dark. This was his brother. He had no one else. (6.194)

Yeah, sometimes families inspire leaps of faith like this—especially when family is all you have, or all you think you have. Is Nick right? Is Alan really all he has? Why or why not?

Quote #5

Mae would probably be better at comforting Alan than he would. Jamie would probably be better at it. Nick did not have the slightest idea what to do, but Alan was his brother and no one else's, and he would think of something. (10.154)

This is one of several occasions in which Nick is willing to step outside his comfort zone or tolerate something he normally wouldn't just for his brother. Their brotherly bond tie is a strong one.

Quote #6

"I'm not stupid," [Mae] said. "I'm attracted to you, I could be attracted to Alan, but what does it matter? […] I won't let myself be used, and I won't let whatever crisis you're having hurt my brother's chance to live." (12.77)

Essentially what Mae is saying here is that blood is thicker than water. Even when the water is really sexy. And has a hot brother.