The Demon's Lexicon Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Even if Arthur had been hunting them for Mum's charm all this time, he might not want Nick killed. He was Arthur's son.

He could use that. (13.130-31)

At one point Nick claims that he doesn't understand human love, but we're not so sure that's true because here, at least, he demonstrates that he understands something fairly similar: the ties that bind family together. Unfortunately, Black Arthur doesn't.

Quote #8

The spell of blood to blood sang in Nick's veins, as if there was a kettle somewhere bringing his blood to a boil. For a moment […] all he could feel was the tug of connection between himself and this man, the link formed of shared blood. (14.8)

Okay so Nick and Black Arthur share a bloodline. Is that enough to make them family, or is something more required? What is it that bonds people together as family? What requirements have to be met? Is shared blood one of them?

Quote #9

Arthur only wanted what he was owed: what Nick had promised him.

He hadn't promised him Alan. Black Arthur had no right to touch his brother. (15.94-95)

Silly Black Arthur—he thought that he could taunt Alan, shove him even, without upsetting Nick. He thought Nick was incapable of feeling love or loyalty for the brother who'd helped to raise him. He thought Nick had no concept of family. He thought wrong.