The Future of Us Chapter 20 Summary


  • Josh braves dangerous territory and catches up to Sydney Mills in the hallway. He's distracted by her coconut scent; it reminds him of their future vacation to Waikiki. He also fantasizes about the first words that he'll say to her and how she'll remember them for the rest of her life.
  • Naturally, his first words to her are an epic fail. How embarrassing.
  • Josh and Sydney walk into the auditorium together for Peer Issues. Today, they have to do an exercise to explore different perspectives the students have on relationships. Perfect, right?
  • The stage is divided into four corners depending on how the students decide to ask somebody out. Josh walks over to the ask a friend for help corner.
  • Of all the options, the too busy to date corner is empty.
  • They split into new groups for a new topic: Should the boy slow down on physical stuff in a relationship if the girl hasn't blatantly told him no? Most people move to the yes boxes.
  • The only people in the no box are girls. This sparks a conversation about female sexism.
  • Sydney voices her opinion: Guys need to respect girls no matter what. The rest of the group starts smirking at her, though, since she has a reputation for being a bit easy.
  • In a moment of gallant heroism, Josh defends her—and when the class continues, Josh looks over at Sydney, who is looking right at him.